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How long will my first appointment take?

We will send you online paperwork to fill out before your appointment via email. There is still some paperwork to fill out at the office, which won’t take long. After the paperwork is filled out, the first appointment will last about an hour.

What should I expect during my initial examination?

Posture pictures will be taken, then Dr. South will have a consultation with you concerning your history and present condition, followed by an examination and X-rays (if needed). The X-rays are done in our office.

How do I schedule my first appointment?

You can either call the office during normal office hours at (302)737-9601 or use the “schedule your appt” button on the website. If you schedule on the website, we will call to confirm your appointment date and time.

Will Dr. South adjust me during my first appointment?

Usually, Dr. South will not adjust on the first visit. He wants to study the results of the examination and X-rays (if they were taken).

How does Dr. South measure progress?

Every 12 visits, Dr. South performs a progress examination and compares the results to your previous exam.

What is Dr. South’s approach to treatment?

Dr. South tailors a treatment plan specific to your needs. This includes specific adjustments. If curves need to be re-established in the spine, traction will be done in the office. Dr. South may also prescribe home traction and home exercises that are done daily.

What should I wear to my first appointment?

Comfortable clothes, if X-rays are needed, any jewelry in the neck area that can be removed should be. Bras will need to be removed if they contain adjustable straps, hooks, or underwire.

Will X-rays be taken on my first visit?

X-rays will be taken if Dr. South finds subluxations (spinal misalignments) or postural deviations. X-rays will not be taken if the patient is pregnant.

What techniques does Dr. South use?

Dr. South uses several different techniques to adjust the patients’ spine, including specific upper cervical, Chiropractic BioPhysics(CBP), Drop Table adjusting using Merric, Gonstead, Mirror Imaging, and other techniques.

Does Dr. South provide other services?

Dr. South also provides nutritional support, including vitamins and exercises. He also provides Veterinary Osteopathic Manipulation (V.O.M.) for your pets.

Does the office accept my insurance?

We accept Medicare, Highmark DE, BCBS, Aetna, Delaware Medicaid, Highmark Health Options, AmeriHealth Caritas, Delaware First Health, Humana, and AARP. We also work with all auto insurance carriers for PIP (Personal Injury Protection) claims.

How long is a regular appointment?

An adjustment takes no more than 5 minutes. If the patient requires traction to help restore the normal curves, the additional time is up to 15 additional minutes.